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18:15 Uhr: Mittwochs-Kurse mit Roque & Giselle

7. Februar · 18:15 - 20:30

Unterricht mit Roque Castellano & Giselle Gatica Lujáno

Wie schon angekündigt bekommt Ihr mehr Abwechslung durch verschiedene Lehrerpaare. Am 7. Februar übernehmen Roque Castellano & Giselle Gatica Lujáno aus Argentinien bzw. Spanien den Mittwochs-Unterricht.
Roque & Giselle sind gute Freunde von Gregorio. Hier ein paar internationale Informationen zu den beiden:

*Roque Castellano & Giselle Gatica Luján*

Argentinians, dancers and teachers of Tango and Argentine Folklore living in Europe. Talented artists who have to their credit a complete training, which makes them multidisciplinary, and an intense artistic trajectory.
Both took their first steps in dance at a very early age: Roque in Santiago del Estero with Malambo and Argentine Folklore, Giselle in San Luis with Spanish Dance. In Buenos Aires they completed their training and started their professional activity. They combined their knowledge and experience developing a personal and musical style, pure in elegance, dynamic and slow that interprets a heartfelt embrace, sealing the movement in the delicacy of their feet.
They arrived in Europe in 2006. They began their journey in Pamplona, giving birth and development to the tango activity, organising the first Milonga in the city, uninterruptedly for ten years, and the first Practica, which is still in force today.
Since then they have travelled with their art and teaching to countries such as Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Finland and Portugal. From 2010 to 2012 they moved to Germany to work in different cities and Tango schools.
Nowadays they live in Zaragoza, Spain, where they continue their artistic and teaching work, gaining the affection and respect of students and public in general. In a stable way they maintain a space that opens its doors monthly as La Practilonga, whose main objective is the reception and incorporation of new tango artists.
Annually they organise a festival that with its freshness and charisma is gaining a stable position in the European tango circuit: El Abrojito Tango Zaragoza.

Nutzt die Gelegenheit für neuen Input und Impulse, die Euch ein anderes Lehrerpaar geben kann.
Info/Anmeldung: 0178-9226333

18:15 Uhr:   Tango „basico“: wichtige Grundlagen
19:30 Uhr:   Aufbaukurs:  Tango „en detalle“ (Mittelstufe, wechselnde Themen)

ab 20:45 Uhr:   Mittwochs- MILONGA

Bürgerhaus Neuburger Kasten, Fechtgasse 6, 85049 Ingolstadt (2.Stock)


7. Februar
18:15 - 20:30


Tango-in-Ingolstadt e.V.
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Bürgerhaus Neuburger Kasten
Fechtgasse 6
85049 Ingolstadt,
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